My site is focused on delivering services that help individuals repair and thrive. In part I am currently realising more of a responsibility to expand out some of the topics I deal with into a broader frame of reference. The reason for this is simple. Many people are suffering psychologically as the result of attempting to adapt to a system that is sick.

I make no claims as to the structural solution to this system, but I do see, with increasing clarity, that the foundation of what would resolve the issues we face, at a personal and a collective level, results from an expansion of conscious awareness and a capacity to act on the knowledge that arises from those shifts.

I am not alone in this, having found this echoes in the works of writers, thinkers, and practitioners such as C.G.Jung, Eric Fromm, Iain McGilchrist, Vaclav Havel, Wilhelm Reich, Robert Anton Wilson, Alejandro Jodorowsky, and many more.

The Truth About Economics

Economics is the distribution of resources. Sure, it equates to money and its movements, but at its roots it is the distribution, and the control of distribution of resources – be it oil or information. 

One argument for the necessity of government is that people, left to their own devices are greedy and would fight each other. Well, at some level of resolution that statement is fair. But it is not exclusively the only way that people can be. 

Many tribes, when living with, or in formed by, a state of mystical awareness (which is principally no different from that of scientific proof) that we are all the same thing perceiving itself, have a capacity to regulate their actions and sustain their communities based off of that principle.

Most religions are founded upon such principles and seem to falter when followers mistake the allegories used to express this truth as literal.

Anyway, the fact remains. We have the technologies and the knowledge to provide food, water, shelter, and warmth, to every person on the planet. 

The Movements Seeking Global Technocracy

Organisations such as the UN and the WEF pay lip service to this and on the surface run project that do have measurable positive outcomes. But they are flaw in a very serious and significant way. They negate the individual at the expense of the collective. 

A healthy collective can only function when the individuals within it self regulate – in other words, while they maintain their sovereignty. Without this then the regulation of their choices and their actions become automatised by the organisations attempting to regulate them. 

The economic recession/depression that has been prolonged for well over a decade in real terms will, be it by design or default, serve the agendas of the previously stated organisations. First it will strip the savings from the accounts of those with capital – whose value is decreasing at a rapid rate. Next, people will liquidate their assets to pay for the cost of living – even their homes. 

My guess is that there is an economic package waiting in the wings that will play to the agendas of the UN sdg’s and the WEF’s Great Reset. And that by the time they offer it as a solution to the crisis then people will have suffered so much that they will beg for it. This package will be founded on programable digital currency and linked to blockchain in a way that will enable realtime activity capture via 5/6/7G technology at some stage. 

And if you think that last bit is a bit of a push, the patents for technology were issued by Bill Gates in 2020.

And no, they won’t need to chip you. 

Then, every action you take will be able to be linked to the distribution of resources. BUT, it will be regulated by whatever organisation or individual that controls it.

At this level of resolution one sees in sharp relief the pantomime that oppositional politics plays out. Yes, who you vote for COULD matter. But the only 2 candidates in this country I have seen in the last 50 years who might have made a difference failed, not through lack of popular support, but as the result of smear campaigns by a media infused with the values of the paradigm that would keep the establishment fully anchored in it’s position of control. 

Blessing and peace to you all.