It’s called the rat race for a reason.

But the race is rigged.

The rats think that they are racing each other towards somewhere, but for the most part, for the vast majority of them they are running on a treadmill. This treadmill is hooked up to power a small group of people who keep telling the rats that the race is all there is.

It’s dog eat dog, king of the heap, winner takes all. These are the lines they peddle.

It’s survival of the fittest, they say. Natures way.

They are not wrong. That is part of it.

But it is not the whole truth.

It is only half a truth. It is also collaboration.

Some of the rats stop running, more and more in fact. Some have stopped long enough to organise themselves into something different – something that does not power the treadmill. Something that is not the race.

It’s no great secret. It’s really very simple.

The more of the rats who get off of the treadmill, then the less energy goes to those who own it and who profit from it. Because, they really do profit from it. The less they profit from it the less that they can promote it.

And the more rats who create something better than the treadmill demonstrate to other rats that there are other ways to be on this magnificent planet.

So what are you waiting for?

Sure, it takes a brave rat to take the leap. But there it is. They are the facts.

By all means compete, but what if you compete together, with others, to create a better life, one where the energy and efforts of your life profit you and those you choose, not those who run a rigged game?

Just a thought


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