His advice was, “Sell the telly and buy a tent.”

That was in the days when television was a thing, when it was an elaborate glass tube in a box. There was something magical about it back then, it was like a living thing that needed to warm up when you turned it on. Where back then a fourth terrestrial channel felt like a cultural shift that was beckoning a new millennia, in this age of mobile devices you can make your own shows from practically anywhere. As for content, it would take you ten years working 8 hours a day to watch all of the videos that get posted up to YouTube in a single hour.

Back then, his point was, get out and live. Stop being a vicarious consumer of life. Embrace it. Go out and meet it.

Jaak Pankcepp’s Seven Emotional Systems

What has any of this got to do with Jaak Pankcepp’s seven basic emotional systems. Everything and nothing. Hopefully the following video will help to explain.

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