The LIFE Membership site is now up and running, although we are still in Phase I of the Beta Test. This means that the doors to the live group and the courses are still closed while a team of ten intrepid trailblazers pick their way through the existing material – and listen to my updates while I explain the reason why things keep slipping behind schedule!

At the end of the day I am always going to claim as much responsibility for my agency as possible. With that said I have observed certain correlations over time that have led me to the conclusion that there is some sort of connection between the movements of the heavenly bodies and events here on earth.

While I don’t blame the planets themselves, I can’t help but cast a curious eye to the heavens when things take unexpected turns or hit obstacles in the path I had failed to spot from a distance.

Relative Positions

How the relative positioning of planets in the solar system and events here on earth might be connected could be a matter for a longer post. The short answer for now is that Venus went retrograde, and then Mercury and Jupiter.

The retrograde, in Astrological terms is when a planet appears to reverse its journey through the sky – in other word it looks like it is going backwards.

Astrologically speaking it is traditionally considered to be a time in which there is a greater potential for disruption.

For me I had a week of technical difficulties on the new site with successive days chatting with different people in technical support trying to figure out what was going wrong – only to seemingly fix the problem and then the next day everything return back to not working.

There were other things too. Serious disruptions. Family health issues and more – and moving house (again).

Use what Works

I’m not averse to using astrology in a profession capacity but always with the caveat that it is just a map. It is the reality that the map points to where experience and evaluation must ultimately be founded. With regards to movements of the planets and any significant correlation they might have with events on the surface of our world, the baseline is that it is just information. I urge all of the people who I use the system with to avoid basing any major decision on it, and be wary if you feel the inclination to invest too much time or energy in it.

Evidence that leads to making more accurate predictions over time, which, in turn, can lead to better outcomes, is a good thing.

Relinquishing ones autonomy and responsibility to that system as a means of making choices for you is something very different entirely. That, in my book, is not healthy at all.

It’s the difference between looking at an calendar to see when mercury is retrograde and then choosing to avoid communication and technical apparatus (mercury retrograde is said to be a time when such things can encounter difficulties) as opposed to living life and then, when you experience a break down in communication or technical difficulties, checking to see what, if anything is going on in the heavens. The work still needs to get done, but there is something about how such information can be valuable in managing our expectations.

Managing Expectations

How we manage expectations counts for a lot. Knowing our options and getting real on what effort, or attention, or energy something requires, is key in balancing our expectations.

The front page of the LIFE Membership program identifies two principles that feed into a formula for success. An attitude, that once applied to life can change, for the better, how we meet experience and manage expectations.

The principles are also summarised in the latest video below.

Discounts for Early Adopters

Check out the site if you have a chance. If you are interested in having your name added to the list you will find an ‘Add Me to The List’ option next to the Join Now at the bottom of the PATHFINDER page.

If you are keen to add your name to the list for the next phase of the Beta Test, where, as an early adopter (and because there will likely still be a few bumps in the path to iron out) you will get access to the whole PATHFINDER package for 20% or 50% of the current advertised price – it’s a first come first served basis, to the earlier you get in the lower the price.

Also, it might be that you don’t need it but that you know someone who might. Maybe someone comes to mind? If so then please feel free to extend the offer to them.

If you already know that you are interested you can also contact us here. Just add the word PATHFINDER in the enquiry and I’ll add your name to the list. As soon as the next stage opens you’ll be the first to know (apx 1st week of October 2023)

All the best,
