Hope this finds you all well…

First off I just wanted to say thank you for all of the positive feedback I have received in relation to the new membership site. I know there are some of you that haven’t had the chance to engage yet and some of you for whom we spoke only briefly about the project when it was being conceived.

Thank You. The input at every stage has been invaluable.

So… I wanted to just share a quick update on the Membership Program – who it is for and what it contains, but rather than type it all out, I’m confident that some screenshots of the front page will be more than enough!

There’s loads more to show but I will leave it for when the site is up and running for you to discover for yourselves.

On that note my current plan for the next stage is to run a beta test for FREE – essentially this will give access to all of the content – there are four courses, an online community space were short term questions will get answered, and a much longer monthly live Q&A where I will be going in deeper on specifics areas that are trending fro the community at that time.

This is my first time hosting a membership with more moving parts – as such I am anticipating a period where there will be some creases that need smoothing out. Two of the courses that are still in production are yet to go live, so they will be added during this period. There will be more than enough content to get your teeth into from the moment that you join!

The beta phase will run between 1 and 2 months. My plan for the first month is to open access to the platform for 5 people for free, and any other additional parties at an 80% reduced cost. The free places will be reserved for people with whom I have worked in some capacity in the past – either through coaching or therapy. The others will be open to anyone.

The second month of the beta will be open at 80% off for a limited number of members, and will be issued on a first come first serve basis. As long as the platform is set up for it (something I have yet to work out) anyone who is in the initial cohort who decides to stay on will have their early adopters fee locked in place until they leave. This only applies to the PATHFINDER option, as this is all that will be opened up at the start.

To put this into context, you will be getting access to around £1k worth of content for about 2%. It really is an insane amount of value. Why that low? Because a membership program – however good the content and the service provided by the host – it’s value is increased by those who join and value it.

If you are reading this then there is a high chance that you already value the material, content, or service that I provide. Therefore, you are very valuable people to have as members.

Like I say, the quality of the products and the services will be there, and in time, more members to connect with. But first off we need to get the ball rolling.

If you are interested drop me a line.

On a separate note, in case you missed it, here is the latest video from the Youtube Channel.