Category: Life (Page 5 of 7)

A Practical Approach to Self Hypnosis

What you feed yourself in food, in thought, in word, and in deed, becomes you.

In the same way that your diet effects your body, the language you use and the thoughts you have influence your psyche – your psyche being the sum total of your conscious and unconscious, mental and emotional life. Your Soul if you like, which, I would like to add is not the counterpart to your body, but rather, the flip side of it.

You may have heard me use the allegory that consciousness, and, by extension, life, as being like standing on a shore between two great oceans; one within and one without.

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Trusting Your Own Way: The Secret Paths of the Forest

Growing up, Sunday afternoons meant walks.

We followed many paths, many different paths on many different Sunday afternoons over the years.

With enough regularity to make it memorable my father would veer off into the undergrowth at seemingly random points on the walk, weaving through bushes and brambles, crossing rivers balancing like tightrope walkers on the fallen trunks of tree, or cutting a path of his own when things got tangled. All the time, respectfully aware that everywhere is somethings home.

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The Hidden Forces That Influence Your Life

The term archetype crops up a fair bit. It is a term that has found its way into common speech over the last 50 years and originates with the the Swiss Analytical Psychologist, Carl Jung who described it, mostly, as a functioning as a self portrait of an instinct. (CW8 Para 277) Further to this, he stated that they are in continuous dramatic flux (Man and His Symbols p.20) and that this flux is a dynamic process that maps over the environments we inhabit as persistently themed images – each of which is inseparable from the narratives they both operate in, and contain.

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The Edge of Life and Living Well

On Grief:

In time the sea calms,
but the waves still come.
The cliffs behind, rise up and decay into the foam.

Of all the this and thats 
that we may be we are nothing much without love.

Standing so close to the shore my feet are soaked.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.

© 2017 Clive Austin

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The Value of Trust in a Lifetime of Relating

Relating is a holistic process.

Whenever we relate to anything it never occurs in isolation; be it to other people, to the environments we inhabit, or to ourselves. The context of each overlaps to inform the other, because in truth, it is all one thing: Life.

In light of this, how we relate in one area will also connect to how we relate in others.

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Finding Your Authentic Centre and Living a Balanced Life

It’s highly likely you have heard it all before, people touting systems and formulas as cure all’s to life’s ills and misfortune. Laws of attraction and resonance and reciprocation. How to collapse the quantum wave function and manifest your hearts desires. Candle magic for love. Chaos sigil magic for sex. Inner alchemy breath work to reconfigure your essence. Inner Child work to heal your past. Spiritual Endurance to strengthen you in the moment. Mindfulness to stay in the moment. Online marketing to cultivate passive income steams to bolster your path to financial independence. Pyramid schemes, affiliate marketing, drop shipping.

I could go on, but I trust the point is made.

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