To Live Creative is an invitation to live simply and instinctually. To live free in the unfolding moment of yourin a way that feels natural to you.
From that place, relating to life, is not an effort.
Once the pressures to survive are taken care of, and one is meeting themselves, others and the world – meeting life in other words – in a simple way, authentic and honest, there is a simple isness to life.
This it the root of living creative – of meeting the experience of life and responding to it – creating from that place – all the time allowing the unfolding experience of to create you too.
First off I just wanted to say thank you for all of the positive feedback I have received in relation to the new membership site. I know there are some of you that haven’t had the chance to engage yet and some of you for whom we spoke only briefly about the project when it was being conceived.
Thank You. The input at every stage has been invaluable.
Whilst in the process of setting up the membership site I have been thinking about a lot of things. Not least myth, and how therapy, at a more advanced level, is an invitation to engage with the truth of the symbols that each individual contains.
In creating the design for the front piece that references each of the 3 courses, I ended up using the image from The Castle card from The Unremarkable Oracle Deck for the Creative Instinct Course. As I began to write the description I found myself slipping into story.
The essence of the story was old, so much so that I expect it is embedded somehow into the very fabric of the cosmos.
It goes something like this…
Beyond the relative safety of the place where you are lies the unknown – the unknown contains both danger and treasure. In order to make whole those parts that are separate, treasures must be sought and the fearful things that dwell there, faced and overcome: Creatures of the shadow and places that require almost inhuman degrees of effort and endurance to reach – this is the call. It will be treacherous and dangerous and it will be painful, but if it is not done, life in the place of relative safety will stagnate, and that stagnation will be a slow death to all things.
So, the choice is yours.
When myth finds a way into story it is because the truth of its image has breached enough souls to be worthy of remembrance.
There is a path that assumes we can direct and create our lives, because we have agency and can consciously adapt through the choices that we make. The more consciousness we cultivate, especially of the unconscious forces that can direct us, the greater the apparent valency of our choices.
…in which I discuss the secret to all success and how, if you have difficulty applying it, you can either spend the next thirty years trying to work it out for yourself (like I did) or opt into my upcoming membership group for a modest fee and save yourself time and pain. Also, you’ll also meet lots of nice people and there will be biscuits.*