Month: April 2021 (Page 1 of 2)

The Value of Trust in a Lifetime of Relating

Relating is a holistic process.

Whenever we relate to anything it never occurs in isolation; be it to other people, to the environments we inhabit, or to ourselves. The context of each overlaps to inform the other, because in truth, it is all one thing: Life.

In light of this, how we relate in one area will also connect to how we relate in others.

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Truth or Compromise? Lessons in Relating

A lot has been said about relationship and compromise, that in order for a long term relationship to last that it requires compromise.

The question is, is compromise really necessary or healthy in a relationship of any sort? Certainly, in order to adapt there will be a need for balancing of needs, but how much is it healthy to compromise the truth that one is? If all parties are seekers of truth, both their own and the truth of the relationship, then where ever that leads, then surely, even if it is not always the most comfortable, perhaps it is the most right.

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Finding Your Authentic Centre and Living a Balanced Life

It’s highly likely you have heard it all before, people touting systems and formulas as cure all’s to life’s ills and misfortune. Laws of attraction and resonance and reciprocation. How to collapse the quantum wave function and manifest your hearts desires. Candle magic for love. Chaos sigil magic for sex. Inner alchemy breath work to reconfigure your essence. Inner Child work to heal your past. Spiritual Endurance to strengthen you in the moment. Mindfulness to stay in the moment. Online marketing to cultivate passive income steams to bolster your path to financial independence. Pyramid schemes, affiliate marketing, drop shipping.

I could go on, but I trust the point is made.

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A Brief Video Introduction to Jaak Pankcepp’s Seven Emotional Systems

His advice was, “Sell the telly and buy a tent.”

That was in the days when television was a thing, when it was an elaborate glass tube in a box. There was something magical about it back then, it was like a living thing that needed to warm up when you turned it on. Where back then a fourth terrestrial channel felt like a cultural shift that was beckoning a new millennia, in this age of mobile devices you can make your own shows from practically anywhere. As for content, it would take you ten years working 8 hours a day to watch all of the videos that get posted up to YouTube in a single hour.

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Your Potential is Hidden Behind Your Discovery of the World

Jung referred to a potential for living whose opposite he called ‘The Unlived Life.’

For most of us there appears to be a sense of potential for living that many have come to call living your best life, or living out your true potential; living that version of yourself you consider to be your truest, most authentic self.

But what is this potential version of you? Does it really exist, and if so, how might you become it?

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The Value of Creative Consciousness and The Cost of Unconscious Design

The following text is taken from my book The Path.

Except from Chapter Two of THE PATH – The Cosmos –

In a very real sense, the creative process that governs everything is in us – it is us, because we are not separate from the universe that is in essence creative. You are it, and therefore, you are it evolving – a part of its unfolding and its becoming.

Its creative becoming is what you are.

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The Play of Life in a Life of Play

You only need to observe people at play, especially children, to get a sense of what it is about.

In general it seems fair to say that at its foundation play is the ability to model experience without having to have that actual experience – in particular, you can explore practically any situation in a way that exposes you to a level of danger, risk or threat that at any time you can step back from.

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